Monday, August 30, 2010

Forget the stork

Oh, this is fun! Earlier Alex was trying to say his lungs were in his stomach (brought on by me explaining I was congested, had too much mucus in my lungs), so I showed him a diagram of where the lungs, heart, and stomach were...

Well he decided to continue the discussion of anatomy after Tala was in bed by asking me where a baby comes out when somebody's going to have a baby. I told him where a woman has a uterus, way under her belly, but then he of course had to give a guess on where the baby comes out, which was correct but just about had me cracking up! He said "So the baby comes out where it's all black and hairy?"
(He's had it explained before that when people get bigger they get hair in places like his Daddy's hairy all over) It caught me off guard so I tried my best not to laugh or smile and just said, "Yep."

Well, forget the stork. :-/