Sunday, December 6, 2009

(cue the music) Let's get it started, yeah

Welcome to a place for any ramblings I feel like doing and a place for me to note funny quotes from the kids.

Today we saw Santa Claus at Walmart. Tala did great with him! She sat on his lap, told him "I want a horse for Christmas," (she meant a toy horse, thankfully) and smiled adorably for her picture.

(No scanner so pardon the flash from me taking a pic of the pic-->)

Alex was shy and insisted that he NOT get a picture done with Santa. He asked us to let him look around the toys for a while so he could figure out what he wanted, then I was finally able to get him to go back and tell Santa, but still he said "No picture, I'm sure about it. No picture."

So, now I have my blog started. *singing* "All of the stockings are hung with care. Soon it will be Christmas Day!"